Watercolor, India Ink (2015)

Nerd Cosmic Power

Self Portrait, Pencil and Ink, 2016

Norman (2016)
Tin Hat

Self Portrait, Pencil and Point pen


Ink, Pastel (2016)

Prismscape (Blotter's Quarrel) 

Leigh Daniel "Danny" Dan Avidaniel Y. Sexbang the Great

(2016, Colored in Pixen App)

Not So Grump Expressions Exercise
Hey I'm Grump Expressions Exercise
Beebe (FA16)

More Les Mamelles Concept Art

Self portrait, Autodesk Sketch

Norman 2016

Self Portrait (2016)
Madame Sepia

Blotter's Quarrel (2016)

Norman (2015)

Blotter's Quarrel (2016)

Self Portrait (2015)


Cartoon Portraits (2015)
First Commissioned Portrait (2015)
Prudence (2015)
Andy (2015)

Summoned for Berkeley City College's 2015 Multimedia Arts Showcase

(2016) To be revisited

Dad (2016)

Autodesk sketch

Alex (2017)
Beebe (2017)

(Norman 2017)

No Gesso

(Tammy 2017)

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